National Smile Month

National Smile Month

National Smile Month 2019

There’s plenty to be smiling about this month. Brighter days, warmer weather, the start of BBQ season, plus, we have some fantastic offers on dental cosmetic treatments that will have you beaming from ear to ear.

Smile and the world smiles with you

Here at Oakley Road Dental Practice, we are passionate about promoting the benefits of good oral health. Whether it’s attending regular check-ups or hygienist appointments; getting your teeth whitened or straightened or indulging in some anti-ageing cosmetic treatments; we strive to give you the perfect smile.

Be kind to your teeth

As part of National Smile Month, we are actively encouraging you to:

  1. Review your oral health routine: We only get one set of teeth, so it’s important that we do our best to look after them. Most people brush their teeth regularly both day and night with fluoride toothpaste, but few remember to floss. A good brush will effectively clean all areas of the teeth and remove surface stains but by flossing regularly, you can keep plaque at bay.Good oral care can not only save you money at the dentist but will reduce the risk of tooth decay, gum disease and even mouth cancer and can ensure that you enjoy the confidence that comes from having a pristine set of pearly whites.
  2. Cut down on your sugar intake: It has been much debated over the years as to whether we are born with a ‘sweet tooth’ or if it is something we simply develop over time. Either way, we all know that piling spoonful’s of sugar into our tea, guzzling gallons of fizzy drinks and chomping on copious amounts of cake is not only harmful to our wellbeing but is detrimental for our dental health too.Everything should be enjoyed in moderation, so whilst a pudding after mealtimes is perfectly fine, we need to watch out for any added sugars contained in the snacks and drinks that we consume throughout the day and cut down wherever possible.
  3. Schedule regular dental visits: Life is hectic and before you know it, we are in the month of May! But as busy as your every day may be, try not to put off a routine visit to your dentist or hygienist, as preventative care can negate the need for remedial treatment.At Oakley Road Dental Practice, we place our patients at the heart of everything we do and strive to make visiting the dentist as effortless and stress-free as possible. So, come and visit us – we promise we won’t bit.

Big smiles all round

There’s nothing quite like beautiful teeth for giving your smile and your spirits a lift. Which is probably why according to a new aesthetics survey conducted by RealSelf, 40% of the UK adult population would like to improve their look through non-surgical cosmetic dentistry, such as teeth whitening or Invisalign clear braces.

Teeth Whitening

For thousands of years, we have been whitening our teeth. The ancient Egyptians used a cream made from oxen hooves, burnt eggshell, pumice and water; whilst the Romans imported urine (yuck!)! At Oakley Road Dental Practice, you’ll be pleased to hear that we use much safer methods which not only produce longer lasting results but come with far less damaging side effects.

Our teeth whitening treatment provides our patients with a quick and easy solution to a brighter smile and can be carried out in conjunction with other dental remedial work.

Invisalign Clear Braces

Invisalign is a revolutionary teeth-straightening system that has taken the world of dentistry by storm. No longer do we have to endure bulky and uncomfortable metal braces being strapped to our teeth, when instead we can accomplish the same results with clear, removable aligners.

By using the latest 3D ITero scanning technology, a virtual treatment plan can be plotted so that you can see how your teeth will look before treatment even begins. Invisalign braces work by gently repositioning the teeth bit by bit, using a series of custom-made, see-through aligners.

This innovative orthodontic treatment is available at Oakley Road Dental Practice and has proven popular with patients who want to achieve the smile of their dreams in a discreet and pain-free way.

Another reason to smile

As part of National Smile Month, from 13th May-13th June 2019, we are offering free iTero Scans to all new and existing patients.

Designed to deliver outstanding imagery at the touch of a button, when you book in for our iTero Element Scanner, we’ll show you 3D imagery of your teeth whilst you sit and relax in our dentist’s chair.

Don’t delay, book an appointment by calling today.

The truth about Botox

The truth about Botox

Botox – the secret to eternal youth

We all know that Peter Pan only exists in fairy tales, but wouldn’t it be nice if we could keep up the appearance of natural, well-rested, refreshed skin forever? Well, now you can thanks to a bout of Botox. This cosmetic treatment can assist you naturally in the ageing process, erasing noticeable lines from your skin and leaving you looking and feeling younger.

Click here for more information on the Botox treatments we offer in Southampton.

Frequently asked questions

Botox gets its share of bad press, but this is mainly down to the conflicting information that circulates the media. Here to dispel any Botox myths and misnomers is Hollie, our new Aesthetic Nurse at Oakley Road Dental Practice.

From frozen faces to follow up treatments, she will separate the fact from the fiction and explain why Botox continues to be one of the most sorts after cosmetic treatments available to both men and women.

What is Botox?

Botox is a neurotoxin, that is used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by paralyzing the facial muscles. It may sound ominous, but it is actually safe to administer in small doses and has been used in science and medicine for many years.

Originally developed to reduce muscle spasms, today it is used to treat excessive sweating, migraines, bladder and bowel disorders and of course for cosmetic reasons. Made from a protein called botulinum it has the ability to freeze and relax your muscles, providing you with instant relief from lines, wrinkles and crows’ feet.

Approved for aesthetic cosmetic procedures in 2002 by the FDA, Botox works just like a mute button. Once injected into the skin it prevents signals from flowing between the nerve and the muscle and stalling facial movements temporarily, leaving you with smoother, silkier more radiant skin.

How safe is Botox?

Over many years there has been extensive research and testing into the integrity and effectiveness of Botox treatments. And whilst the safety record for Botox is very robust, it is worth noting that all medical and cosmetic treatments carry an element of risk and should always be carried out by a trained professional.

Will my Botox look natural?

One of the main reasons why Botox is such a popular cosmetic choice is that the treatment is subtle. Whilst friends may pass comment that you look brighter, fresher and stress-free, the treatment itself should not radically alter your facial appearance or natural expressions.

In order to maintain the harmony of your muscles and movement of your skin, it is important that the precise amount of Botox is applied, lifting and accentuating the skin for a flatter, firmer look.

At Oakley Road Dental Practice, you can rest assured, knowing that we will recommend and advise you on the best areas for Botox application in order to soften the signs of ageing in the most natural and discreet way possible.

How long does it take to have Botox?

The method for administering Botox only takes around 10-15 minutes, which is why it has become such a popular lunchtime procedure. At Oakley Road Dental Practice, however, we do insist on an initial consultation where we take the time to discuss your medical history, desired outcomes and expectations.

Will Botox hurt?

Botox is injected into the skin using very fine needles so the process itself is relatively painless. Most people do experience a small pricking or pinching sensation and occasionally redness or bruising can occur afterwards. In general, however, we always receive positive feedback from our patients who say the procedure was far more straightforward and stress-free than they had ever imagined.

What areas can Botox address?

Botox is most commonly applied to the upper half of the face, with the forehead, fold between the eyes and crow’s feet being the most popular areas to treat and retain a youthful-looking complexion.

Botox can also be used to lift the corners of the mouth that sag over time, smooth out the dips in our chins and to soften smoker’s lines around the mouth.

It is important to remember that lines and wrinkles do not always age you and can, in fact, add character and warmth to your face. At Oakley Road Dental Practice, we will happily advise you of the areas in which we think Botox can complement and enhance your facial features.

When will I start to see the results of my Botox treatment?

Some patients profess to see results almost instantly post-treatment, but for most people, it will take between 5-14 days for the full effects of Botox to become visible. Therefore, if you are wanting Botox for a special occasion, we strongly advise having treatment a good 2-3 weeks in advance of the event.

How long will the results of my Botox last for?

The cosmetic effects of Botox can last for anything up to six months but typically range from between 3-4 months. After this time, the muscles start to regain motion and fine crinkles and wrinkles will begin to reappear gradually. But don’t panic, you won’t just wake up one day to a face full of lines!

What do I need to do after my Botox treatment?

What you do for 48 hours post your Botox treatment is really important in order to prolong the effects and look after your skin. Therefore, we always recommend that you:

  1. Avoid facials, massaging or rubbing the area treated as you do not want Botox moving to unintended muscles.
  2. Do not partake in any vigorous exercise.
  3. Try not to consume any alcohol as this will dehydrate your skin.
  4. Apply arnica cream if bruising starts to develop.
  5. Get in contact with us if you require any touch-ups or need any further advice.

What is the difference between Botox and Dermal Fillers?

Botox and dermal fillers are both cosmetic treatments given via small injections, however, that is where the similarity ends as they are used for entirely different outcomes.

Botox is a muscle relaxant, used to freeze and soften the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Dermal fillers, however, are used to build up an area that may require volume or has sagged, thinned or dropped over time.

At Oakley Road Dental Practice, we offer both types of cosmetic treatments and can advise and consult on the best procedure for your individual needs.

How much does Botox cost?

At Oakley Road Dental Practice, we offer Botox treatment from between £160-£300 depending on your exact requirements. Currently, our highly trained and newly appointed practitioner Hollie is offering a fabulous 25% off Botox and Dermal Fillers when you make an appointment before 12th April 2019.

How to get the most out of your Invisalign treatment

How to get the most out of your Invisalign treatment

Top Invisalign Tips from our Principal Dentist – Melanie Pittroff

As Theodore Roosevelt famously said “nothing worth having, comes easy” and when you undertake a course of Invisalign treatment, it is important that you fully commit to your plan in order to achieve optimal results.

For most people Invisalign offers them the opportunity to straighten their teeth without the restrictions of permanent, bulky wire braces. However, alongside this modern and convenient choice to wear clear, removable braces, comes a whole host of patient responsibilities.

It is important to understand that Invisalign is an intensive orthodontic treatment and in order to get the most out of it (and your money), I have shared with you my top tips.

How do Invisalign clear braces work?

Invisalign clear braces offer a contemporary alternative to traditional braces for those who want to straighten their teeth discreetly. Perfect for those with crooked or crowded teeth, Invisalign clear braces can close up gaps and carefully adjust over and under bites.

And the great news is, you don’t even need to wait until the end of your treatment in order to see the results. Using the latest in modern 3D technology, our state-of-the-art iTero Element Scanner can create a virtual treatment plan bespoke to you. Following a scan and consultation, we will create a set of Invisalign trays for you to wear each day, designed to gently exert pressure on your teeth and rearrange their position. But, in order to achieve a healthy and aligned set of teeth, there are certain rules you need to follow.

Commit to wearing your Invisalign aligners

The great thing about Invisalign braces are that they are completely removeable. So, when you want to eat, clean, floss or even whistle these transparent trays can be taken out. However, as a dentist, in order to achieve fast, positive results, I would strongly advise that you wear them for at least 22 hours both day and night.

In fact, each time you bed in a brand-new set of aligners, I would recommend wearing them as much as you possibly can, in order to allow your mouth to get used to them. Failure to wear them often enough not only slows down your progress but feels uncomfortable and tight when placed back on the teeth.

Before and After Invisalign Treatment

Listen to your dentist’s advice

It may be tempting to rattle through the trays in a bid for perfection, but there will be some instances when one aligner takes longer than another in order to achieve the desired results. As a dentist it is my responsibility to advise and inform you of the best time to change.

So, remember, good things come to those who wait, and sometimes a little extra patience is needed.

Take good care of your teeth

You may already have a good oral health routine, but with Invisalign it is important that you floss every single day. The aligners themselves collect plaque and bacteria which they hold against your teeth, preventing saliva from being able to cleanse the mouth efficiently.

I would also recommend that you soak your aligners regularly in a dental appliance cleaner or disinfectant as this will not only brighter and clean but will assist in killing off the common odour-causing bacteria, tartar and plaque that cause tooth decay and cavities. Alternatively, warm water and antibacterial soap will also do the job but try to steer clear of toothpaste.

Control your diet

As mentioned above, your mouth is not able to distribute saliva in the normal way. When wearing Invisalign clear braces your body tends to overcompensate for its lack of efficiency by producing excess saliva which could leave you feeling dehydrated. Therefore, drinking as much water as possible is strongly advised.

Wearing Invisalign retainers does confine your eating patterns, as they will need to be removed in order to do so. Where possible, try to consume your 3 meals a day and cut out any snacks in between as this will take away from your wearing time.

Practice makes perfect

Although way more comfortable to wear than metal braces, the two main gripes that I tend to hear, centre around tightening sensations and the alteration of speech.

Like anything, the more we do it the more used to it we become, and this is exactly the same with Invisalign. You may feel a pushing sensation against your teeth (especially when wearing a new aligner), but this should not be a painful experience, and this will lessen each time you wear them. You may also find that you talk with a bit of a lisp as you curve your lips around your braces, but once you have become accustomed to wearing them, you’ll soon begin to relax.

Be confident

You may be aware that you have braces but no one else will. Invisalign is well-known for being the discreet alternative to metal braces and that this why these transparent aligners have become so popular – even with celebrities.

And, if you are having a crisis of confidence, one look at your virtual plan, created by our iTero Element Scanner, will soon set you back on the right track.

A final word from us

So, if you are ready to start your Invisalign journey with us, then why not pop into Oakley Road Dental Practice and we’ll show you in advance how your teeth will look, post treatment, using our innovative 3D scanner.

A “fresh” start to 2019 with 6 Dental Health New Year Resolutions

A “fresh” start to 2019 with 6 Dental Health New Year Resolutions

Why not start the new year as you mean to go on, by making a pledge to look after your teeth?  Many people often neglect their oral health, only visiting the dentist when it becomes a necessity, so for 2019, make it your resolution to book a regular date with the Oakley Road Dental team. Afterall, January is the perfect time to establish healthy new habits, as its out with the old and in with the new.

Did you know that a staggering 80% of people fail to stick to their new year pledges?

This year why not join the elite 20% with these realistic dental resolutions and achieve your brightest, whitest, healthiest smile yet.

Resolution #1 – maintain a good oral health routine

A good oral and dental hygiene routine can help prevent bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease and can reduce the risk of more serious health problems such as heart attacks, cancer and diabetes occurring in the future. But with our busy lifestyles a thorough brush often falls to the wayside.

This year why not pledge to brush at least twice a day using fluoridated toothpaste. By constantly brushing the teeth (and tongue) for a total of two minutes, will allow you time to sweep all surfaces. If you can commit to regular flossing too (and we don’t mean the latest dance craze), then not only will your dentist thank you, but your mouth will too.

Resolution #2 – book a hygienist appointment

There are certain areas of the mouth which are difficult to reach, and it doesn’t take long before unsightly plaque builds up around the lower front teeth. If it has been more than 6 months since your last hygienist appointment, then make it a new year resolution to book in to see the lovely Michelle.

Mainly concerned with ‘preventive’ methods, she will show you how to keep your teeth in tip top condition in the fight against the dreaded gum disease. So, if you want to grin instead of grimace next year, then frequent visits to our dental hygienist will keep you free of plaque and tartar deposits.

Resolution #3 – Quit smoking

One of the best things you can do to improve your oral health is to stop smoking. And, with a new year upon us, there’s never been a better time to quit.

Nothing tarnishes teeth worse than tobacco, and smoking – whether it’s a pipe or cigarette – heavily contributes to gum disease, cavities, tooth loss, mouth pain and oral cancer. So, stub it out for good and be a quitter for the right reasons. Not only will you be giving your body a fresh start, but your breath too.

Resolution #4 – a healthier lifestyle

It’s not just smoking that is bad for your teeth, but convenience foods, coffee, alcohol, fizzy drinks and sweets all contribute to our dental health issues. It doesn’t matter how much we brush, floss and take care of our teeth, if our diet is poor then our bodies start to suffer.

You don’t need to go on a ‘new-fangled’ diet, become a gym bunny or a fitness freak, you just need to be aware of what you are eating as part of your everyday diet. By decreasing our consumption of sugar, caffeine and refined carbohydrates, and at the same time increasing our water, fruit and leafy green vegetable intake, we start to reduce the risk of developing painful, unsightly, and costly oral issues.

Resolution #5 – Make your teeth shine

Enjoy a brighter start to the year with some teeth whitening. Thanks to our love of coffee, tea and red wine, our once pearly whites can often start to become stained and discoloured. But, when you combine professional teeth whitening with some minor tweaks to your lifestyle and diet, within a matter of weeks you’ll notice a big difference.

Treat yourself to some new year pampering at Oakley Road Dental Practice and indulge in some teeth whitening treatment that is not only safe but effective too.

Resolution #6 – Plan your dental appointments

It’s easy to put off visiting the dentist, especially if your teeth feel healthy and strong. Prevention really is better than cure though, and routine visits to the dentist can help fight against oral gum disease, reveal existing or impending issues and assist you in achieving your brightest smile possible.

We are a friendly bunch at Oakley Road Dental Practice and place our patients at the heart of everything we do. We strive to make visiting us as effortless and stress-free as possible. So, for 2019, don’t put your dental appointments on the back burner, be proactive and book up for the year ahead.

Make 2019 the year for a “fresher” start as you take the opportunity to eliminate bad habits and establish new oral hygiene routines.

Time to sparkle

Time to sparkle

It’s time to make your Christmas wish come true! Visit our private dental practice this winter and indulge in a host of treatments that are sure to make you shine – just in time for the festive season.

There’s no need to hibernate – Oakley Road can keep you looking great

It’s no wonder so many animals choose to sleep their way through the winter months. The days are short, the skies are grey, and the holiday buzz has been well and truly blown away. But with party season just around the corner, it’s time to put some sparkle back into your life, and we are not just talking about the latest fashion trend.

At Oakley Road Dental Practice, we offer a range of treatments that can freshen and brighten up your look ready for the festive period. From giving you a smile to be proud of, teeth that glisten all year round and skin that radiates from the inside out; when you choose Invisalign, teeth whitening or Botox and Dermal Fillers, you’ll be the belle of the ball.

There’s no need to hibernate – Oakley Road can keep you looking great

It’s no wonder so many animals choose to sleep their way through the winter months. The days are short, the skies are grey, and the holiday buzz has been well and truly blown away. But with party season just around the corner, it’s time to put some sparkle back into your life, and we are not just talking about the latest fashion trend.

At Oakley Road Dental Practice, we offer a range of treatments that can freshen and brighten up your look ready for the festive period. From giving you a smile to be proud of, teeth that glisten all year round and skin that radiates from the inside out; when you choose Invisalign, teeth whitening or Botox and Dermal Fillers, you’ll be the belle of the ball.

Treat yourself to an early present with Invisalign Clear Braces

Give yourself the confidence to smile this Christmas and correct those crooked teeth with Invisalign treatments – an effortless and efficient way to straighten your teeth and boost your self-esteem.
Invisalign is the perfect treatment for those who want an impeccable smile but want to be discreet about achieving it. Practically transparent, these custom-made braces are comfortable to wear both day and night and are completely removeable for when you want to be brace free for a special occasion.

When you start your Invisalign journey with us, we will show you in advance how your teeth will look, post treatment, using our innovative 3D scanner. Providing you with a set of bespoke aligners to wear, your teeth will gradually move into place over time.
There couldn’t be a more wonderful gift to give yourself than Invisalign clear braces, at this magical time of year.

Enjoy a white Christmas with our Teeth Whitening Kits

If you are dreaming of white teeth for Christmas, then why not invest in some whitening? Teeth whitening is an effective and affordable cosmetic dental procedure that can produce dramatic results almost right away.

Our love for coffee, tea, red wine and even tomatoes have meant that our teeth can quickly lack the razzle, dazzle of our previous pearly whites. But there are things that we can do to make them look brighter.

At Oakley Road Dental Practice, we offer professional teeth whitening treatment that will lighten your existing shade, leaving you beaming from ear to ear. We will start by taking an impression of your teeth and providing you with a custom-made mouth guard. Following a detailed demonstration and some advice, it is then over to you to administer a small amount of whitening gel to your trays which you will wear for a few hours during the day or overnight to get you party ready.

Banish the winter blues with Botox or Dermal Fillers

As the tan starts to fade you may feel like you need a little extra help in order to keep your skin glowing this winter. Serums, creams, moisturisers and facials can rejuvenate the skin over time, but in order to enjoy a youthful-looking complexion faster and for longer, we offer a range of facial aesthetics including Botox and Dermal Fillers.

Anti-wrinkle injections such as Botox and Dermal fillers were predominately only considered as treatments for the rich and famous, but today they are cost effective solutions to fighting the signs of natural ageing and have been backed by decades of scientific research.

These non-surgical procedures work by plumping or flattening out specific areas to the face. Botox works best on wrinkles and lines which have developed through facial expressions. Over time, these lines start to become more noticeable, having etched into the skin. Botox helps by relaxing the facial muscles that form the wrinkles and smoothing away the lines in the process. Dermal Fillers can add volume and bounce to your skin in a subtle and natural way. Mainly applied around the mouth, chin and nose, it and adds shape to the lips and makes cheek bones more prominent.

These anti-ageing treatments do not require any form of anaesthetic or numbing cream and are virtually pain-free which means that they can be safely administered in a matter of minutes.

So why wait for Santa Claus to bring you a gift when you can treat yourself with a visit to Oakley Road Dental Practice? Call us today to make an appointment.

Meet and Greet Evening – Tuesday 20th November 2018 from 6pm

Meet and Greet Evening – Tuesday 20th November 2018 from 6pm

We would like to invite you to an open evening at Oakley Road Dental Practice, where you will have the opportunity to meet and greet our friendly team.

This is the perfect opportunity to pop along and ask our principal dentist Melanie Pittroff and newest dentist Dimitrios Koroneos any questions you may have, whilst getting to know them in a relaxed and informal setting.

Refreshments and nibbles will be served on arrival and 1-2-1 appointments are available if preferred.

Oakley Road Dental Practice:
84 Oakley Road, Shirley, Southampton SO16 4LJ

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