National No Smoking Day – Some habits are hard to break

National No Smoking Day – Some habits are hard to break

Why being a quitter is a good thing

Whether it is cracking your knuckles, biting your nails or picking your nose when you think no one is looking; we all have a bad habit which is difficult to break. But, while many habits are harmless (at most annoying), there are some that are seriously bad for your health…such as smoking.

We all know that smoking cigarettes increases the risk of diseases such as lung cancer, heart attacks and strokes, but many people are unaware of the impact it has on your dental health. From discolouration of the teeth to bad breath, gum disease and even mouth cancer, smoking has serious implications for your oral wellbeing.

Don’t give up hope, give up smoking

If it is support and encouragement you need to kick that bad habit into touch, then National No Smoking Day on the 14th March could just be the incentive you need. And remember, if you decide to quit smoking you can greatly reduce the risks to your dental health too.

The dental effects of smoking

Whether you class yourself as a social or a heavy smoker, each time you light a cigarette or puff on a pipe you are inhaling dangerous toxins that are damaging to your teeth and gums.

Staining and Discolouration

One of the most noticeable signs of smoking to your oral health is the yellowing effect that it has on your teeth. The nicotine and tar found in a cigarette are absorbed into the tooth, turning it from a sparkling white to a dull yellow and in some instances even brown. Here at Oakley Road Dental Practice, we can perform a professional tooth whitening service for our patients. But prevention is always better than cure, so why not refresh your lifestyle as well as your teeth and take the decision to quit smoking today?

Rotting Teeth

The chemicals found in tobacco are damaging to the tooth’s protective enamel, weakening the teeth and making them more vulnerable to food acids and bacteria. This can lead to your teeth rotting and even falling out. Whilst our dental hygienist can show and advise you how to clean and look after your teeth, it may be a lost cause if you continue to smoke.



Gum Disease

Gum disease is one of the most prominent problems suffered by smokers and the more cigarettes you smoke and the longer you smoke them for, the greater the risk of developing it.

Every time you inhale the nicotine in the cigarette smoke, it reduces the blood flow to your mouth and gums, leaving it exposed to bacteria and vulnerable to infection. Once bacteria settles on your gums, it can become inflamed and destroy the flesh surrounding the teeth. It can also lower your immune system making you more susceptible to sickness and increasing the amount of time it takes for cuts, ulcer and scratches to heal.

It is important that you follow a good oral hygiene routine, gently brushing all areas of the teeth and mouth twice a day with a good fluoride toothpaste. Floss regularly to remove plaque build-up and food from between your teeth and around the gums and use a mouthwash to protect against gum disease and combat bad breath. And don’t forget to make sure that you visit us regularly for check-ups.

Bad Breath

You may be able to tell if someone smokes before they even light up as the smoke particles can linger in the mouth, throat and lungs for some time after. Smoking is also known to affect the flow of saliva around the mouth. Saliva is an important fluid produced in the mouth for eating, swallowing and aiding the digestion system. Smoking, however, affects the saliva glands and can decrease the flow leading to dry mouth and even halitosis.

No one likes bad breath and the best remedy to combat it is to give up smoking. Your friends, loved ones and even your dentist will greatly appreciate it and you will soon notice the difference in your overall health.

Mouth Cancer

It may surprise you to learn that whilst smoking is on the decrease, cancer of the mouth is on the increase with smoking and drinking alcohol being the biggest offenders of all. Oral cancer is particularly dangerous as it is difficult to detect in the early stages and does not usually cause any pain or discomfort until it starts to spread.

Here at Oakley Road Dental Practice, we would strongly advise that if you smoke you regularly check your own mouth in-between dental check-ups and if you suspect anything to contact us immediately. Symptoms to look out for include ulcers that are unable to heal. A constant sore throat. Lumps and nodules in the mouth. Red or white patches. Difficulty swallowing and moving your tongue. Numbness inside the mouth and swelling around the neck and jawline. And if you have not already been diagnosed with gum disease, then you should be aware of any unexplained loosening of the teeth.

National No Smoking Day – 14th March

We know that stopping smoking is not easy, but the benefits to your health will far outweigh the sacrifice. In fact, studies have shown that after a prolonged period of no smoking, you can achieve the same oral health as those who have never smoked at all.

If you are thinking about quitting, then there couldn’t be a better time to stop than on Wednesday 14th March – National No Smoking Day. Click here for the top 10 steps for stopping smoking. And don’t forget, if you have any concerns over your oral wellbeing, then please contact us today for an appointment and advice.


Love your Smile this Valentine’s Day

Love your Smile this Valentine’s Day

Give your mouth the love it deserves

Your smile is one of the first things that people notice when meeting you for the first time. And with Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it could hold the key to instant attraction. A great smile is not only infectious, but it can be a good reflection of your overall hygiene, diet and lifestyle. Afterall, no one wants to be on a date with someone who has food stuck between their teeth or bad breath.

If you’re feeling a bit down in the mouth about your smile, then it may surprise you to hear that you are not alone; with nearly half the population admitting to disliking the way in which their teeth look. Here at Oakley Road Dental Practice, Southampton, we can turn a dull smile into a dazzling one with our range of dental treatments. Whether it’s misaligned teeth, large gaps or discolouring; with our tailor-made packages you’ll soon be beaming from ear to ear.

Teeth whitening

Over time, due to aging and our love of coffee, tea and red wine our teeth are more likely to become stained and discoloured. But there are things we can do to make them look brighter and whiter. Teeth whitening treatment (when carried out by a professional dentist or dental hygienist), is a safe and effective way to improve the appearance of your smile.

When you choose to have your teeth whitened at Oakley Road Dental Practice, we’ll take an impression of your teeth and provide you with a custom-made mouth guard. Following a detailed demonstration and safety advice, you will then need to administer a small amount of whitening gel to your trays to wear for a few hours each day or overnight.

When you combine professional teeth whitening with some minor tweaks to your lifestyle and diet, within a matter of weeks you’ll notice a big difference. So, for whitening that works, let us lighten your existing shade and make your teeth smile


If you are looking to straighten out wonky teeth, but the thought of bulky braces has been putting you off, then Invisalign clear braces offer a revolutionary alternative.

It’s the perfect treatment for those who want to improve their smile whilst being discreet about it. Invisalign braces are practically transparent, completely removable and comfortable to wear both day and night. And if that isn’t enough to convince you, it’s innovative 3D scanning technology can predict how your teeth will look before treatment has even begun.

Invisalign braces will help correct crowded and crooked teeth as well removing gaps and improving your bite. Providing you with a set of clear aligners that fit snuggly over the teeth, they are easy to remove when eating, chewing, brushing and flossing. Over time, by applying a small amount of pressure, your teeth will start to realign.

To achieve the perfect smile contact the team at Oakley Road Dental Practice for your free Invisalign consultation.

Take care of your teeth

One of the best ways to achieve a winning smile is simply by taking consistent preventative care of your teeth. This includes gently brushing all areas of the teeth with a good fluoride toothpaste twice a day to keep surface stains at bay. Flossing regularly to remove plaque build-up and food from your teeth and the use of a mouthwash to protect against gum disease and combat bad breath. And don’t forget that prevention is better than cure, so make sure that you visit your dentist regularly for check-ups to keep your teeth in tip, top condition.

Find out how Oakley Road Dental Practice can give you the confidence to smile:

Tooth Decay in Teenagers and Young Adults

Tooth Decay in Teenagers and Young Adults

Decay appearing suddenly in teenagers and young adults is quite common. When children are younger, parents can keep an eye on the general cleaning of teeth as well as limit the sugar and fizzy drinks intake.

It does happen quite often that as soon as teenagers or young adults are given more freedom as far as diet and general hygiene is concerned, that we find an increase in tooth decay.

Teenagers want to sleep later in the morning at the expense of the morning tooth brushing. Going to bed a lot later at night then also leads to missing out on the correct length of brushing of teeth. This will be made worse if they are undergoing orthodontic treatment or braces as cleaning is hard at the best of times. Some orthodontists will refuse to place braces or even remove them mid treatment as decayed teeth are far worse than teeth that aren’t straight.

Reduce fizzy drinks!

Another problem we find is that fizzy drinks and alco pops are more readily available with an increase in socialising at colleges and universities. These have a very high sugar content as well as the acidity coming from the fizz. This high sugar content and possible reduction in tooth brushing is the cause then of a lot more decay and even gum infections.

Another problem we find is that fizzy drinks and alco pops are more readily available with an increase in socialising at colleges and universities. These have a very high sugar content as well as the acidity coming from the fizz. This high sugar content and possible reduction in tooth brushing is the cause then of a lot more decay and even gum infections.

Drinking a lot of cola type drinks can cause a strange green/brown discolouration on the front teeth which in most cases is permanent. This is not very attractive and very upsetting for young people. So please be careful and drink these types of drinks through a straw. This will not stop decay but might just help lessen the chances of rampant decay.

A lot of young people constantly ask about having whiter teeth and from when they can bleach them. Wait until at least 18 years old. It is just not worth causing permanent sensitivity to your teeth by starting bleaching too young. And always do this under care of a dentist or professionally qualified person – and not a beauty therapist!

Please take good care of your teeth at this age! Damage done to the teeth now will be permanent and might end up costly to treat.

To arrange a free consultation and to get professional advice on protecting your teeth please contact us: