Invisalign Patient Diary

Invisalign Patient Diary

Over the course of the next few week and months we’ll be following Sue, one of our new Invisalign patients. She is currently having Invisalign treatment and wanted to share her experience in a weekly diary for our blog.

We hope you enjoy finding out about this fantastic way of straightening your teeth with Invisalign treatments.

If you would like to make an appointment at the practice for an Invisalign consultation, please call the reception: 023 8077 1450

Invisalign Introduction

In May 2018 I went for a routine check-up at Oakley Road Dental Clinic, with my dentist Mel. She mentioned to me if I would be interested in having my teeth straightened. She said she had a scanner coming in that could scan my teeth and show me how they would look when straightened.

I was a bit weary because although I have always wanted straight teeth, I thought being 62 that I was a bit long in the tooth for that procedure (excuse the pun!).

However a month or so went by and I kept thinking about it, but not seriously. I then developed an abscess under one of my teeth, and insisted on having it out as the pain was so intense and the tooth was dead anyway. At this point I asked Mel to explain what having my teeth straightened would mean? She showed me Invisalign retainers and I could not believe things had moved on from wire braces.

I made an appointment to have the scan, and a couple of weeks later went back to have my retainers fitted, this was on August 15th 2018.

Invisalign Week One August 15th – 22nd

The ulcers have gone, I’ve chatted to a lot of people who didn’t even realise I wore them, and most were interested to see how things went as were very keen on having them done too.

I was quite excited that I was going to have a new set in on the 22nd and wondered how they would feel. Well at first they felt really tight, and a little painful but nothing that a painkiller couldn’t cope with.

I was glad to get a new set in though because it felt I was starting to get something I had always wanted, straight teeth.

Towards the end of the week the retainers do look a little discoloured, mainly I think because I drink tea, and a couple of times this week I ate with them in, only because it was more convenient to do it as I was out. But as soon as I was able I would go off to the ladies with my little toothbrush and paste I carry in my bag and take them out and clean them and my teeth.

Now I do it the other way round if I know I am going out to eat I take them out and put them in their little case, and after I have eaten I go to the ladies brush my teeth and re-fit them.

It’s no fuss especial as I keep focusing on what they will be like in a few weeks’ time.

Invisalign Week Two August 22nd – 29th

The ulcers have gone, I’ve chatted to a lot of people who didn’t even realise I wore them, and most were interested to see how things went as were very keen on having them done too.

I was quite excited that I was going to have a new set in on the 22nd and wondered how they would feel. Well at first they felt really tight, and a little painful but nothing that a painkiller couldn’t cope with.

I was glad to get a new set in though because it felt I was starting to get something I had always wanted, straight teeth.

Towards the end of the week the retainers do look a little discoloured, mainly I think because I drink tea, and a couple of times this week I ate with them in, only because it was more convenient to do it as I was out. But as soon as I was able I would go off to the ladies with my little toothbrush and paste I carry in my bag and take them out and clean them and my teeth.

Now I do it the other way round if I know I am going out to eat I take them out and put them in their little case, and after I have eaten I go to the ladies brush my teeth and re-fit them.

It’s no fuss especial as I keep focusing on what they will be like in a few weeks’ time.

Invisalign Week Three August 29th – 5th September

Really starting to get used to these retainers now, everything seems to come natural. I’ve started to notice that my teeth are becoming less prominent. It feels a bit strange when I eat as I’m aware that my teeth have actually moved. Went for a check on them this week, and Mel said all looking fine and to keep doing what I’m doing.

Mel did take a photo of them at the start and this week so hopefully we will start to see more changes as the weeks go by. My grand daughters aged 9 and 6 are fascinated by them, and ask if they will need them… sounds funny Nanny having braces, but I guess if they do have to have them later in life it won’t be so daunting for them.

Invisalign Week Four September 5th – 11th

Every time I put a new set of retainers in they feel really tight, but not painfully so, a more satisfying feeling, that it’s another step towards straight teeth. Had a week of eating out for one reason or another but it doesn’t faze me anymore… I just pop them out put them in the case, and replace them after I’ve eaten. If I don’t have my tooth brush with me (for example when I’m out cycling) I pop them back in and sort the brushing and cleaning out when I get home.

I’m finding I am getting excited about the next week’s packet. I ran 10 miles last Saturday with them in and it was fine… training for THE GREAT SOUTH RUN ON 21ST October … and the exciting thing is I will be on week 9 by then….

Week Five September 12th – 18th

On holiday this week in Cornwall, getting used to having the retainers in even more now, almost feel naked without them. Went on long walks, and one particular day whilst sitting on a bench on a cliff top in very strong winds. We decided to have our Cornish Pasties that we had purchased before our walk. Well I had to remove the retainers and as soon as I did a gust of wind came along and almost blew them out of my hands… Of course my husband found this hilarious. They are so light that if they left my hands I dread to think where they would have ended up! I found these set a little uncomfortable on the bottom right hand side for some reason, don’t know why.

Week Six September 19th – 25th

Still on holiday part of this week, and found that I had become into a routine. I took retainers out when I ate, and in the evenings before I went to dinner. During the Day I would pop them in a tissue and in my pocket, even though I have a little case to put them in, when I’m doing long walks I don’t take my handbag with me so a tissue has to do. After eating lunch I made sure I drank enough Cider to make sure my mouth was clean before popping them in again…I’m a dab hand at it now! As a rule I don’t take them out when I drink… only when I eat. I will be wishing next week I was sat on a cliff top and drinking Cider 🙂

Week Seven September 26th – 3rd October

Getting really excited now as the weeks pass by, a new set in and they feel a little tighter. Nobody notices I have them in at all unless I show them which I quite often do. I am beginning to notice that my overbite has become so much smaller it’s quite hard to get used to, as when I take them out to eat sometimes I catch my cheek as my teeth have moved… it’s going to take a bit of time to get used to… but so happy they are working.

Week Eight October 4th – 10th October

Went for a Check up on how my retainers are doing with Mel yesterday. She checked that all the little buttons were all still in place and was so pleased with the amount of movement that has happened… it felt great hearing her say that too. I’ve become so used to them now that I practically feel naked without them… so all is good and I don’t have to see Mel until the last set are in and that will be first week in December… So excited.

Week Nine October 11th – 17th October

Well this week has arrived, Great South Run here I come (10 mile run on Sunday). Feeling more confident about how straight my teeth are going to be than doing the run ! Week Nine went in and to be honest I couldn’t wait to get them in. The movement is quite scary at the moment and I feel naked without the retainers in. Sometimes when it gets to be about 6ish in the evening, I’m quite glad to get them out for a couple of hours. I’ve noticed that my speech is a little bit odd at this stage
but that doesn’t bother me. When I sing in the Choir at St Matthews Church Netley Marsh, I leave them in and it doesn’t seem to affect my singing (or my colleagues haven’t said 🙂 ! Looking forward to getting Sunday out of the way now… this year is just flying away!

Week Ten 18th – 24th October

Well that was fun! NOT … it started off ok and then the sun came out, it’s the hottest 10 mile run I’ve ever done, but having said that its done, and with the sponsorship from Oakley Road Dental Practice my sum raised was over £1000.00 for Oakhaven hospice. My retainers were perfect throughout and people really beginning to notice the difference in my teeth. It’s getting very exciting now.

Week Eleven 25th – 31st October

This week has been a very sad week indeed, as my darling sister who I did the Great South run for passed away on October 30th….. so my sad to say not feeling like writing much, but so glad I did the run. My retainers are great still and the difference is amazing, I see Mel next week so I will have a better idea of how things are going.

Week Twelve – 1st November – 7th November

Went into see Mel on 5th November, she was extremely pleased with the way things are moving along. She took a picture so she might be able to add it to this blog. Can’t wait now as I know I’m seeing her next month for the finale of levelling and whitening. Already having lots of people ask me for before and after photos as they are thinking of having it done, and to those who are thinking about it, it’s well worth it! Especially the care you get from Oakley Road dental Practice… wonderful caring staff all of them.

To be continued…

Invisalign Clear Braces Southampton

Learn more about straightening your teeth and the very latest in 3D scanning technology with the iTero Element advanced imaging system.

Oakley Road Dental Practice – Affordable private dental care

Oakley Road Dental Practice – Affordable private dental care

The NHS is a wonderful service, funded to be there in your hour of need for advice, reassurance and treatment. However, it is easy to understand why more and more people are moving away from the NHS in favour of better-quality service and outstanding private dental care in Southampton.

Many patients, are often confused as to the main differences between private and NHS dental care, with the main assumption being put down to cost. Whilst this is obviously a factor, for those who are willing to pay that little bit more you’ll benefit from big differences, such as unrestricted treatments, innovative procedures and a service that is second to none.

5 reasons why you should choose a private dentist

When you choose a private dentist in Southampton, such as Oakley Road Dental Practice, we will ensure that everything you experience is fairly reflected in the price that you pay. Below we look at the advantages of going private for your dental care and explain why the cost implications are well justified when it comes to keeping a happy and healthy smile.

1. A superior service

When you think of the NHS, you conjure up images of a busy dental practice, operating with a one in one out approach to customer care. But, when you choose to go private you can enjoy an intimate and cossetted atmosphere where cost cutting budgets and patient targets are no longer a concern. Instead the focus is on building chair-side rapports and delivering high-quality treatments, tailored to individual needs.

A good private dental practice should not only invest in their patients, but in their expert clinicians, supplying them with the latest technology and providing training resources in which to learn and develop new skills.

2. The price you pay for perfection

There is no denying that private dental care will cost you more than visiting an NHS practice, but what you are guaranteed of is no hidden fees. The NHS works on a three-band pricing structure, which is complex, difficult to understand and often includes additional costs that you may not be aware of. A private dental practice, however, will disclose all their fees upfront and talk your through their pricing policy so that you understand exactly what services you are paying for. And, whilst innovative treatments may appear more expensive, your general dentistry is often affordable and not too dissimilar in price to the NHS.

Plus, there are a number of payment plans which allow you to spread the cost of your care, providing you with the reassurance of dental protection for life.

3. A selection of treatments

On top of that, when you choose to go private you will have access to a host of treatments that are not available through the NHS. For example, Oakley Road Dental Practice offer cosmetic dentistry including teeth whiteninghygienist and Invisalign orthodontics, which are specialised procedures not carried out on the NHS.

At some practices, you can also benefit from a number of facial aesthetics such as Facial Aesthetics, allowing you to freshen your skin as well as perfecting your smile.

4. Appointments to suit

Everyone has the right to sign up with an NHS dentist, but finding a convenient practice that has appointments available at a time to suit you, can often prove tricky. As a private dental patient, you will not only have access to a better timetable, but you can enjoy the benefits of longer, scheduled appointment times. This is essential for first time or anxious patients who seek reassurance and need more time in order feel more comfortable during treatment.

5. There for you in an emergency

There is nothing worse than being in pain and having to wait for an appointment. And, if you have a dental emergency such as a broken or chipped tooth, it is important that you get it looked at immediately as it may have long term implications for your teeth. The good news is, that with a private dentist you can rest assured knowing that you can contact your practice for an urgent appointment and be seen the same day or within 24 hours as well as seeking advice on restorative treatment.

Choose affordable private dental care for happier, healthier smiles

When you choose to go private, you certainly get what you pay for, and with our teeth here to stay for a lifetime, we think it is well worth investing in a sensational smile for the future. At Oakley Road Dental Practice, we won’t make you feel like a number, a revenue stream or a nuisance, just a valued and important patient.

Diet vs Dentist – You are what you eat

Diet vs Dentist – You are what you eat

We all know the age old saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but what about the dentist? Are there certain foods and drinks that we should be including in our diet in order to ensure that our teeth stay healthy?

The answer to this is undoubtedly yes. You are what you eat and when you include fruit, such as apples, and leafy green vegetables into your diet there are countless benefits to your oral health. Although fruit often gets a bad press due to the natural sugars they contain, when you eat an apple you are giving your mouth a really good clean. High in fibre and water, the biting action enables your mouth to produce saliva, rinsing away bacteria and food particles that are found on your teeth and tongue.

Best foods for healthy teeth and gums

No matter how much you floss, brush and take care of your teeth, if your diet is poor then your oral health will suffer the consequences. At Oakley Road Dental Practice, there are foods that we would recommend you include in your diet that will not only help to prevent cavities and periodontal disease, but that will even freshen your breath and whiten your teeth. And, there is no need to scour the shelves of your local supermarket searching for weird and wonderful sounding items, for these you are sure to recognise. And they taste pretty good too!

Foods rich in calcium

Whether you add it to a sandwich or toast it on bread, cheese is good for your teeth. High in calcium and protein it protects and strengthens tooth enamel. The same nutrients can also be found in yoghurt, along with probiotics which benefits the gums and fights bad bacteria – just watch out for ones that are laden with sugar.

Foods that pack a crunch

Just like apples, carrots are crunchy and are packed full of fibre. When you munch or a raw carrot, you increase your saliva production which reduces the risk of cavities – it’s no wonder rabbits have such strong teeth! Likewise, celery is the perfect snack and is considered to be a natural floss. And if you want your breath to smell good whilst boosting saliva, then a piece of chewing gum is the perfect after dinner refreshment.

Foods full of vitamins

Whilst Vitamin D can help your body to absorb calcium better, Vitamin C can strengthen your blood vessels and reduce inflammation, especially around the gum area. Therefore, by simply adding some fatty fish such as tuna and salmon and an array of leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach into your diet, ensures that plentiful vitamins are absorbed into the body and mouth.

Drink more water

If you are feeling parched, then chances are you are not drinking enough water. Although our water is no longer fluoridated, a refreshing glass can cleanse the mouth, washing away unwanted acid and food particles in its wake.

A hidden agenda

We all know that sugary food and drinks are bad for our oral health creating plaque, causing cavities and weakening our teeth’s enamel. But which types are the main culprits and what kind of damage are they doing to our mouths?

Summer loving

Summer is officially upon us so it’s time to set up the barbeque and get the prosecco corks popping. As the world’s second biggest consumers of prosecco, we simply can’t get enough of quaffing this refreshing, effervescent drink. But what kind of damage is it doing to our teeth?

Just like fizzy soft drinks, prosecco contains high-levels of carbonic acid and sugar putting your pearly whites under constant attack. Too much over indulgence can even result in what dentists describe as a ‘prosecco smile’ – a condition where the tooth enamel wears away and the teeth come away from the gumline. For those who wear Invisalign the damage can be even greater, as the clear aligners can trap sugar for even longer.

So, love your teeth this summer, and if you don’t want to ditch your favourite tipple look at ways you can neutralize the effects. Drink a glass of water between each flute, sip through a straw or snack or foods that are high in calcium.

A hidden agenda

We have already mentioned prosecco, but sugary drinks of any kind such as fizzy pop, energy or sports drinks are the most erosive you can drink. Some may even sound or are marketed as a healthy alternative, and although they may well ‘give you wings’ they are also highly likely to create cavities.

Hard sweets, chewy sweets, candyfloss and popcorn may taste delicious but the outcome for your teeth is anything but sweet. Eat these and you could end up with chipped and weakened enamel as well as cavities and periodontal disease.

Cough sweets may soothe your throat but are they are often loaded with sugar. As they dissolve slowly, there is the potential to cause serious dental damage. We therefore recommend you look for the sugar-free varieties.

We all like a nice cup of coffee to get us going in the morning, but the effects of this everyday ritual could be affecting your teeth. Coffee dries out the mouth, making your teeth sticky and more susceptible to stains. Whilst we don’t expect anyone to forego their early morning treat, drinking coffee without sugar and consuming plenty of water throughout the day, all helps to keep a brighter smile.

A generation of sweeties

Whilst we have control over what we put in our mouths, it is important that we educate our children on the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Recent reports show that although we are becoming aware of our oral health, a quarter of all 5 year olds still suffer with tooth decay. Last year alone almost 8,000 children had to undergo teeth extractions in hospital.

Our dental health issues are explicitly linked to the childhood obesity problem which we are currently tackling, and which is the costing the NHS millions each year. Soft drinks and sugary sweets are main offenders alongside inadequate oral health routines. It is therefore imperative that we teach our children a “do as we do” culture, providing them with nutritious snacks and meals and teaching them how to look after their teeth.

If you or your family have concerns over their dental health or wellbeing, or would like a routine check-up, then please contact Oakley Road Dental Practice as we would be more than happy to help and give you advice.

Prepare your skin for summer

Prepare your skin for summer

We may be reeling from the effects of a dreary, drab winter but with the summer months rapidly approaching it’s time to rejuvenate and give our skin some pampering. Here at Oakley Road Dental Practice, getting you summer ready is as simple as 1,2,3…glow.

Age old problems

There are certain age defining moments in life such as taking your driving test, being legally allowed to vote or finding your first wrinkle! Those dreaded lines and unsightly creases make us feel old, no matter how young we are.

From being out in the sun to grabbing a ready meal on the go or meeting friends for an alfresco drink, we are unknowingly contributing to the aging process thanks to our busy lifestyles. Whilst we know that as we get older lines and wrinkles are inevitable; at times adding character and emphasising our expressions; we don’t want them to define the way we look.

So, if your once glowing skin is now starting to sag and you long for smoother, silkier more radiant skin, now could be the time to consider some cosmetic beauty treatments. Offering a little helping hand, you can fend off folds and flatten out creases with our range of anti-aging remedies.

Looking good, feeling great

There is no shortage of beauty creams currently on the market which guarantee to turn back time, firm up skin and rid you of wrinkles. And if you believe their hype, these so-called miracle products will have you splashing your cash in no time at all.

Whilst a good beauty routine can rehydrate and moisturise your skin, it can’t take away the appearance of lines. In order to visibly restore your skin’s natural beauty, why not try Facial Aesthetics? Softening the signs of aging you’ll benefit from smoother, firmer, brighter skin and be left glowing from the inside out.

The difference between Botox and Fillers

Often referred to in conversation interchangeably, Botox and Fillers are actually two very different treatments. Both may be given via small injections, but that is where the similarity ends.

Botox relaxes and freezes muscles, minimising the appearance of wrinkles, whilst fillers add fullness and volume to areas that have sagged or thinned over time. At Oakley Road Dental Practice, we offer various types of cosmetic treatments and can advise and consult on the best procedure for your individual needs.

Botox treatment can combat wrinkles and lines from aging.

Benefits of Botox

First introduced over 30 years ago to treat eye muscle spasms, Botox is today mainly used for cosmetic reasons. Commonly utilised between the eyebrows, around the eyes and over the forehead it is primarily employed to combat wrinkles and lines.

Our skin needs collagen in order to repair damaged tissue caused by sun radiation, smoking and even laughing. As we age, collagen production starts to decrease, and our lifestyle choices start to have an impact on our skin. Therefore Botox offers a great way of fighting the signs of natural ageing and can provide you with instant relief from lines, wrinkles and even crows’ feet.

Botox is made using botulinum toxin which is a natural, purified protein, injected into the skin to temporarily relax the facial muscles. The end results are considered to be subtle, natural looking and can last up to 4 months.

When you think of having Botox you may not instinctively think about visiting your dentist, but at Oakley Road Dental Practice we understand that confidence can mean more than a brilliant smile and are pleased to be able to offer this specialised treatment to our patients.

Benefits of Facial Fillers

Fillers may have had a bad press over the past few years due to the over inflated lips and cheek bones that are constantly paraded by celebrities. But facial fillers, when applied professionally, can help to add volume and bounce to your skin in a subtle and natural way. Facial fillers are most popular for smoothing lines in areas such as the mouth, chin and nose and can add shape to the lips and define cheek bones.

Most fillers use hyaluronic acid, which is an element already produced in the skin and helps to improve and maintain hydration, elasticity and the production of collagen. By supporting the skin’s structure and working at a deep dermal level, fillers offer the perfect solution for delaying the signs of ageing and results can last anywhere from between 6-18 months before fading.

At Oakley Road Dental Practice we would recommend facial fillers to anyone who is looking to plump out or freshen up their skin, just in time for summer.

Contact us today on 023 8077 1450 for more details on our range of cosmetic treatments.


Brace Yourself! The cost of Invisalign is not as expensive as you might think

Brace Yourself! The cost of Invisalign is not as expensive as you might think

The price you pay for perfect looking teeth

Your teeth are a lifetime investment, but how much are you prepared to pay to achieve that winning smile?

The biggest barrier for most people wanting to straighten their teeth with Invisalign – the clear alternative to metal braces – is often the cost. This customised treatment uses transparent aligners to gently move your teeth into their correct position. Slightly more expensive than conventional braces, you’ll soon discover that the extra benefits that wearing Invisalign clear braces bring, far outweigh any additional cost.

Summer will soon be upon us, and from weddings to holidays there are plenty of photo opportunities to make us smile. To keep you beaming through the brighter months, Invisalign clear braces offer an effortless and efficient way to straighten your teeth and boost your self-esteem.

Unlike the metal train tracks of traditional braces, these invisible aligners sit snugly and inconspicuously over your teeth. And the benefits don’t stop there…

…when it comes to eating, drinking and cleaning your teeth, these clear aligners can be removed at any point throughout the day, so you can be brace free to enjoy that special occasion.

The smile you always wanted

Probably the biggest benefit to choosing Invisalign is the ability to see how your teeth will end up looking before your treatment has even begun. Using the latest in modern 3D technology, these state-of-the-art machines can create a virtual treatment plan for maximum results. Following a bespoke consultation, you will be given a set of aligners to help gradually move your teeth into position.

An affordable option for all

By now you are probably thinking that Invisalign clear braces sound great, but that results like these must come at a premium… well think again!

Although not available on the NHS, Oakley Road Dental Practice offer monthly payment plans from as little as just £60 per month*, a complimentary consultation and a free 3D scan worth over £1,000. In addition to this, we will give you whitening retainers free of charge, so that you can brighten your teeth at the same time as straightening them.

To find out more about the cost of Invisalign, call us now on 023 8077 1450 or fill in our easy-to-use online enquiry form.

Invisalign specialists, Southampton

As with most types of orthodontic treatment, the overall cost of Invisalign clear braces is highly dependent on the complexity of your teeth and your personalised treatment plan. No two mouths are ever the same, so the cost of producing and fitting these bespoke transparent braces will vary from person to person.

When you choose Oakley Road Dental Practice, you can take advantage of teeth whitening, a set of retainers and a 3D scan, all worth over £1000. Don’t delay, contact us today.

*when spread over a 60-month period.

Straight talking – everything you need to know about Invisalign clear braces

Straight talking – everything you need to know about Invisalign clear braces

The future is clear with Invisalign clear orthodontic braces

Times are changing. We now have driverless cars, artificial intelligence, 3D TV’s and smartwatches to name but a few, but did you know that there have been huge advances in orthodontics too?

Over the past decade more and more people have been actively seeking out solutions to aesthetically improve the look of their teeth, and the number of adults wearing braces has dramatically increased.

Gone are the days when you had to endure a mouth full of metal to correct crooked teeth as now, thanks to Invisalign, you can enjoy a less visible, more convenient and comfortable way to straighten out your imperfections.

Isn’t it time you embraced the future and tried Invisalign braces for yourself?

What are Invisalign clear braces?

Invisalign braces are clear plastic aligners that are custom-made to fit snugly over your teeth. By using the latest 3D scanning technology, a virtual treatment plan can be plotted so that you can see how your teeth will look before treatment has even begun.

Up close it’s difficult, often impossible, to tell when someone is wearing Invisalign clear braces and the aligner trays are completely removable and comfortable to wear all day long. For best results, these clear plastic trays should be worn for at least 22 hours every day, although they can be removed for cleaning, eating, flossing and, if you so desire, even whistling.

How do Invisalign clear braces work?

Invisalign braces work by gently repositioning the teeth bit by bit, using a series of bespoke, clear plastic aligners. These are changed around every two weeks as each one causes your teeth to move just that little bit more. Over time these small differences can make a big change to your smile. The number of aligners that you’ll need will depend on how complex your treatment plan is, but in general, it will take around 12-24 months to straighten.

Invisalign braces are clear plastic aligners

How do Invisalign braces differ from conventional braces?

Invisalign clear braces have captured the attention of many celebrities including Tom Cruise, Justin Bieber, Oprah Winfrey and Keira Knightly who have all reportedly enjoyed the benefits of wearing these removable aligners. And it is little wonder some many celebrities have jumped on the Invisalign craze as these clear braces are so discreet. Whether they are on the big screen, stage or adorned across magazine stands, their perfect smiles are there for all to see – yet their braces aren’t.

Conventional braces, however, are fitted directly onto the teeth using metal brackets and wires and are a permanent fixture that is hard to hide. Unlike Invisalign clear braces they can’t be removed when eating, drinking or for special occasions and are often uncomfortable and irritable in the mouth.

Reasons to have Invisalign clear braces

  • Discreet solution
    Traditional braces are bulky and visible but Invisalign clear braces, with their transparent trays, offer a revolutionary alternative. Most people (other than your family, friends and dentist) will never know they even exist, so you can straighten your teeth discreetly – making them the perfect solution for both teens and adults alike.
  • Confidence booster
    Your smile defines you. It is one of the first things people notice and often the last thing they remember. But if your imperfections are causing your smile to wane, then Invisalign clear braces might be the quickest and most effortless way to put the smile back on your face. Invisalign clear braces can perfect crowded and crooked teeth, wide spacing, crossbites, underbites and even deep bites, leaving you with a smile to be proud of.
  • Removable aligners
    When you wear a permanent brace, you wear it day and night regardless of where you are, what you eat, who you are with and what you are doing. With Invisalign clear braces these removable aligners can be taken out for a thorough clean, to eat, drink and floss or for when you want to be brace-free for a special occasion.
  • Long-term benefits for your teeth
    If your teeth are crooked then chances are that they will be difficult to clean. Over time this can lead to plaque build-up, tartar, staining and even loss of teeth. And, if your bite is misaligned then you are more likely to grind your teeth at night, which not only puts pressure on the teeth but can cause unnecessary pain. Invisalign clear braces can solve all of these problems by simply re-aligning your teeth. So, what may appear to be a costly outlay could save you money and further dental procedures in the future.
  • Pain-free
    Whilst it is common for some patients to report a bit of discomfort or dull ache each time their trays are replaced, for the most part, Invisalign braces are pain-free. It is not uncommon, however, for the aligners to feel strange when first placed over the teeth, but within a couple of days wearing, you will soon forget they are there.
  • Affordable option
    Many celebrities may be wearing them, but that doesn’t mean you have to be rich and famous to buy them. Invisalign clear braces are an affordable option for straightening your teeth. Learn more about the cost of Invisalign.

Another great benefit of wearing Invisalign clear braces is that the aligner trays can be used for teeth whitening at the same time as straightening.

When you book into Oakley Road Dental Practice in Southampton for your Invisalign treatment, we will give you free whitening retainers and a 3D scan worth over £1000.

To find out more, call us now on 023 8077 1450 or visit Invisalign Orthodontic Clear Braces Southampton.